Strength is Medicine

New Client Special | First Session Free

Strength is Medicine

New Client Special | First Session Free

What if there were one thing you could do to ensure your longevity...
not just lifespan but quality of life...strength...vitality. Interested?

Muscle Health is the "One Thing"

Your muscular system, to a much larger extent than you may realize, holds the secret to healthy aging. The good news is that 20+ years of muscle health can be recovered at any age - in just a few months!

Your Heart is a Muscle Too

You already know how important your heart muscle is but odds are that no one has ever told you that the rest of your muscles are just as important. Not only can you strengthen your heart while you are strengthening your other muscles, but you can also strengthen your bones, your brain, and the rest of your body - simultaneously!

The "Currency" of Muscle Health is Strength and Energy

Just like quality of life is more meaningful than quantity; muscle quality matters more to strength than quantity. Strength and energy are what "buy" you the quality of life your are seeking!

Take back control of your health and your life!

Start Strength Training
Safely and Strategically with the Experts
at Vitality SarcoHealth Today.

*New Client Special | First Session Free

Experiencing Loss of Stamina, Weakness, and Falls as You Get Older?

The ability to stand up out of a chair is much compromised after the age of 60, and it’s all because of muscle weakness, which is also one of the most common reasons seniors end up in hospital beds. If you don’t consult with Vitality experts to get timely guidance, you can further experience issues like:

Forget About What You've Heard - This is NOT Normal and it IS Preventable!

As our name suggests, we are experts in muscle health.  For over two decades, we have been at the forefront of promoting the importance of strength in aging and providing strength-regeneration therapy.

Here’s why you should choose to engage in the award-winning,  strength-focused fitness classes for seniors.

All Sessions Supervised by
Doctorate Level Muscle ("Sarco") Professionals

Who Specialize in Muscle ("Sarco")Health

*New Client Special | First Session Free

Ready to Recover Your Vitality?

Watch Martin Nason’s Story

Start Strong, Finish Stronger:
The Vitality 'Use It or Lose It' Challenge

Take Control of Your Health and Fitness Journey in
Your Second-fifty Years - It's Never Too Late!

The involuntary loss of muscle mass, strength, and function, known as sarcopenia, is a prominent effect of aging. Muscle mass typically begins to decline at a rate of approximately 3-8% per decade once an individual reaches the age of 30. The rate of decline accelerates even further after the age of 50.  But that doesn’t have to be the end of your story!

You CAN regain your strength and muscle health by maintaining a balance between Type 1 and Type 2 muscle fibers.





Choose a Membership That Fits Your Needs

Choose the perfect membership to support your active and vibrant life after 60.







Exclusively at Vitality SarcoHealth

Unlock the secrets to enhancing the quality of life by combating the effects of Sarcopenia and other related diseases. In just 30 minutes, our SarcoHealth Screening empowers you with valuable insights.

Experience a comprehensive and non-invasive assessment of your muscle health conducted by our SarcoHealth specialists. Receive personalized guidance and a detailed report with professional recommendations tailored to your needs and desires.
Are you ready to take charge of your well-being?

Our Process

For Ensuring Your Success...


SarcoHealth Screening & Consultation
you must know where you are before you can get where you want to go. And we must learn what matters most to you in order to encourage you and provide ideal guidance.


Design, Explain and Implement Your Personalized Plan of Care
We establish and employ a partnership approach to your plan because that's the only way that works


Measure, Share and Celebrate Your Results
Let's be honest, some days we feel better than others. We must measure, share and celebrate your progress on an ongoing basis so you know how you're doing at all times.

All of our SarcoHealth programs include a focus on muscle strength, endurance, stability, and flexibility, plus general nutritional guidance for optimizing muscle health. 

Discover the miraculous ways in which it can enhance your life.

*New Client Special | First Session Free

Having Trouble with Walking, Running, Swimming, or Cycling?

Learn How to Build the best version of yourself. It all starts with a quick 30 minute screening

Identify the Issue

Our 30-minute screening will assess your age-related issues, and causes of your condition, and uncover all the potential underlying factors affecting your mobility.

Personalized Guidance

Once the screening is complete, our experts will provide you with personalized recommendations and exercises designed to help you build the best version of yourself, which mainly enhances your flexibility and mobility.

Quick and Effective

In just 30 minutes, you can gain valuable insights into your mobility, receive tailored guidance, and begin your journey toward improving your ability to do everyday activities and reclaiming your vitality.

Why Choose Us?

People over 50 years old usually experience muscle malfunctioning and loss of skeletal muscle mass which commonly results in increased risk of injuries and falls, fractures, and cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. In some cases, it leads to death.

That’s where Vitality SarcoHealth comes to help. Now you don’t have to give up on walking, running, and jogging, or move carefully while sitting and standing. Because

We execute groundbreaking technologies that offer most impact results

We work with your doctors to monitor key biomarkers

Our team of specialists offer consultation during 30 minutes screening

Our experts have years of knowledge and experience in treating sarcopenia

We assess the causes of your condition to tailor the right treatment plan